Archive for March 2023

IIM Ahmedabad PG Admission Procedure Application Form 2023 |

Friday, 24 March 2023 23:58

IIM Ahmedabad Post-Graduate Programme in Management 2023 Batch Admission Procedure | IIM Ahmedabad PG Admission Application Forms 2023 |

Post-Graduate Programme in Management (2023-2026 Batch) Admission Procedure for Overseas Candidates

Our admission procedure for overseas candidates begins on October 15, 2011. Please do NOT send your applications before that date. Please arrange to send your applications so that they reach us ONLY ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 15, 2011.

Last date for receiving applications from overseas candidates: December 15, 2010

The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Differently Abled (DA) category[1], this is relaxed to 45%), of any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification obtained by the candidate must entail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent. The percentage obtained by the candidate in the bachelor’s degree would be based on the practice followed by the university/institution from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case of the candidates being awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the equivalence would be based on the equivalence certified by the university/institution from where they have obtained bachelor’s degree. In case the university/ institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by IIMA by dividing obtained CGPA with the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100. Candidates appearing for the final year bachelor’s degree / equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirement and are awaiting results can also apply. Such candidates must produce a certificate from the Principal/Head of the Department/Registrar/Director of the university/ institution certifying that the candidate is currently in the final year / is awaiting final results and has obtained at least 50% marks or equivalent (45% in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/DA category) based on latest available grades/marks. Such candidates, if selected, will be allowed to join the programme provisionally only if they submit a certificate latest by June 30, 2011 from the Principal/Registrar of their college/institute (issued on or before June 30, 2011) stating that they have completed all the requirements (the results may, however, be awaited) for obtaining the bachelor’s degree/ equivalent qualification on the date of issue of the certificate. Their admission will be confirmed only when the candidate submits the mark sheet and a certificate of having passed the bachelor’s degree / equivalent qualification referred to in the certificate issued by the Principal/Registrar with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/DA category). The deadline for submission of the mark sheet and the certificate is December 31, 2011. Non-fulfillment of this condition will automatically result in the cancellation of the provisional admission. IIMA would not allow any candidate to join their programme in case the candidate is unable to complete all the requirements for a bachelor degree on or before June 30, 2011. The IIMA would also not offer admission to any candidate after June 30, 2011.

The first year’s curriculum is compulsory and covers the basic functional areas of accounting and finance, behavioural science, communication, economics, information technology, marketing, personnel management and industrial relations, operations management, and quantitative methods. At the end of the first year, a student works in an organisation on a summer assignment lasting eight to ten weeks.
The second year courses provide the students with an opportunity to pursue studies in areas of special interest to them. Therefore, all the second year courses are electives. This approach helps students develop an integrated approach to solving management problems.

The selection of candidates for admission to the 2011-13 batch of the PGP at IIM Ahmedabad is a two-step process.
In the first step, candidates are short-listed for personal interviews from among candidates who have a valid CAT/GMAT score2 who have applied for the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme. A non-overseas candidate who applies with a CAT score is required to perform well in all three sections in CAT to be considered for short-listing. An overseas category candidate who applies with a GMAT score instead of a CAT score should have scored at least 45 in the quantitative and verbal sections and should have a total scaled score of at least 700.
A candidate’s prior academic record is also used in the short-listing process. The exact criteria used to short-list candidates for personal interviews will be disclosed on the CAT website at and the IIM Ahmedabad website at along with the list of short-listed candidates on January 22, 2011.
In the second step, after the completion of personal interviews of all candidates short-listed in the first step, candidates for admission to the 2011-13 batch of the PGP at IIM Ahmedabad are selected from among the candidates who have attended the personal interviews. In preparing this list, apart from performance in personal interviews, inputs such as the CAT/GMAT score2, academic background and achievements, extra-curricular activities, and post-degree work experience are taken into consideration.
The following information is about the admission process followed by IIMA for its PGP subsequent to CAT. It is therefore, important for the candidates to read them carefully.
1. Performance in CAT is an important input in the admission process and is the primary basis for short-listing candidates for the second round of admission process, which comprises personal interviews. Candidates should note that it is important to perform well relative to other candidates in each section of the test as the scores in each section and the overall score are used to short-list the candidates for the second round. These scores may also be used for final ranking as well. In addition to the performance in CAT, IIMA may use academic performance, relevant work experience and other similar inputs for ranking and short-listing candidates for personal interviews.
2. Please note that IIMA short-lists candidates for Personal Interviews (PI) independent of other IIMs. Hence it is possible to observe variations in the lists of candidates short-listed by different IIMs.
3. Details of candidates short-listed will be made available on CAT website ( on January 22, 2011. Short-listed candidates would also be sent letters by IIMA.
4. After the PI round, admission offers are made by IIMA to successful candidates. The ranking and final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes and may include performance in CAT, performance in PI, academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience etc.
5. Disclosure of information about the admission process is driven by concerns which at times conflict with each other. The IIMA would like the admission process to be transparent. At the same time, IIMA would wish to protect the privacy of individual candidates and confidentiality of the process to prevent abuse. Based on these considerations, the performance of an individual is not made available to any other person. Similarly, the performance of candidates in PI including assessment of attributes mentioned under paragraph 4 above is not disclosed to anyone to prevent exercise of undue pressure on the panelists participating in the admission/selection process. IIMA exercises its own discretion in disclosing weights assigned to diverse sets of attributes mentioned under paragraph 4 above. To ensure that the perceived lack of transparency does not in any way affect the candidates negatively, adequate care is taken in formation of panel, development of objective criteria for assessment, random allocation of candidates to a panel and other such measures.
6. Candidates, who appeared in PI will be able to view whether they have been offered admission by IIMA during second week of April 2011 by visiting the IIMA website. Admission offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. Candidates, who are offered admission, need to confirm their acceptance by completing all the required formalities by first week of May 2011. Some candidates may also be placed on the waiting list initially during second week of April 2011. Offers to candidates on the waiting list would depend upon the number of successful candidates accepting the offer made by IIMA.

In the event of specific guidelines being issued by Government of India, IIMA reserves the right to, depending on the nature of the guidelines, continue with its personal interviews as stated above OR use an alternative selection procedure which may include calling for additional information from short-listed candidates, a supplementary test or any other suitable process/mechanism. Care will be taken to ensure that candidates are not put to undue inconvenience.

Currently the annual fee for Overseas Candidates is US$ 18,000. The fee includes tuition, course material, and board and lodging. All students are required to have a personal computer and a printer. The Institute can also arrange for buying these locally. The annual fee does not cover personal expenses such as travel, clothes, stationery, and laundry.

PGP graduates have been employed in a wide range of companies from public sector, private sector and multinational corporations. In recent years, international recruiters have included Amazon, Alghanim, Arcelor Mittal, Arthur D Little, Audax Group, Citigroup Global Markets, Bain & Company, Barclays Capital, Booz & Company, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Hindustan Unilever, IOCL, McKinsey & Co, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Nomura International, Procter & Gamble, SEBI, Tata Administrative Services, Tata Consultancy Services, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, The Boston Consulting Group, UBS, Union Bank of India, Value Partners, Wipro. About 7600 PGP alumni today occupy top managerial positions in industry, within and outside the country.

Members of the faculty at IIMA, numbering about 90, design and lead all teaching, research and consulting programmes. Many are involved in the Institute’s academic administration and governance. IIMA’s faculty members are distinguished by their sustained research contributions in various areas of management and strong practitioner-oriented teaching and consulting.

Computing Facilities
A state-of-the-art computer network with more than 2000 nodes connects all the members of the Institute community with each other. This network has fibre optic backbone with one or more fibre segments reaching every building on the campus.
There are more than 90 high end manageable network switches which handle the internal data traffic. Every workplace on the campus including student rooms in dormitories, faculty offices, classrooms, management development centre, computer lab, FPM lab, and administrative offices has network connectivity. Using long range ethernet technology, faculty /staff residences have been also provided network connectivity to the Institute’s Intranet. The Institute has put a wireless layer (wi-fi) on top of this highly dense network with high level of security using username password based authentication. A Firewall is also placed to provide higher security. A storage server with VPN based access and username password based authentication is also in place for accessing data outside the campus which is currently for professors.
The campus network is supported by a large server farm with more than 30 high speed servers, running on a wide variety of platforms. Many servers on this network make use of Linux and open source software for providing the necessary services. For every workgroup (faculty, students, staff, MDC participants, etc.), there is a set of dedicated servers which provide a core layer of services like Internet access, and file/print services. The E-mail facility is managed through Google which provides IIMA with web based email client, built in chat facility, Google docs, Google apps, Google sites and few other facilities as well. The main web server ( carries information on IIMA. Another web server ( provides facilities for individual students to host their home pages. Every student dormitory has a high speed shared network printer with web based print billing software. There is a wide variety of software packages available to the students and faculty for their academic and research work. These packages include several language processors, statistical, math programming, simulation, project management, CASE, and ERP packages.
Every student and faculty member has a high end networked personal computer or laptop at his or her disposal. The Institute’s network is linked to the Internet via a set of dedicated leased lines enabling round-the-clock Internet connectivity on the campus. All the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from whom the Institute has procured Internet bandwidth have installed fibre optics link from the campus to their hub. This ensures very high quality of bandwidth to the Internet. The Institute has 45 MBPS bandwidth to the Internet. It is technologically equipped to increase it up to 100 MBPS as and when the need for more bandwidth arises. In addition IIMA also has a dedicated line of 10 MBPS. Every classroom is equipped with a projector, a PC, and a DVD player. Many of the classrooms are also equipped for ISDN based video conferencing capability. A special room is also available in the computer centre where on-line computer based training can be imparted. The recently revamped IIMA website includes payment gateway and offers access to a large repository of IIMA case studies and research reports.

Dormitory & Other Facilities
The 103 acres campus flanks two sides of a main road. The two sides are connected by an underpass, which houses a unique IIMA photo gallery. The old campus of about 64 acres includes an academic complex of classrooms and seminar rooms, an auditorium, a well-equipped library, a computer centre, faculty and administrative offices, 18 student dormitories, the Kasturbhai Lalbhai Management Development Centre for executive education, faculty and staff residences, a gymnasium and other sports facilities. The new campus of 39 acres includes 7 dormitories with 284 rooms, 5 classrooms, 12 seminar rooms, 120 flats for married students, an administration block and an International Management Development Centre with 226 rooms, three classrooms and 24 seminar rooms.
Stay in the dormitories is compulsory for students. Each room is fully furnished and has a telephone connection. Each dormitory is provided with a television, washing machine and a refrigerator. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals are served in the Institute’s dining hall.
Facilities for indoor and outdoor games and recreation activities are available. Three doctors are in attendance at the dispensary on the campus. A Post Office and a full-fledged State Bank of India branch with ATM facility function on the campus.

Ahmedabad Weather
Ahmedabad weather is warm/hot during most of the year; the mild winter season extends from December to January, when the temperature may drop to 10 degrees Celsius. Summer temperatures during March-June can exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

Application Procedure
Download the Application Form in pdf version or MS-Word version in zip form
Write, with your complete address, to:
Manager (Admissions)
Indian Institute of Management
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015
Phone: +91-79-66324632/66324633
Fax: +91-79-66324631(direct) / 26306896 (general)
Email ID:
Complete the Application Form and courier it to the Manager (Admissions) at the above address.

Last Date
The last date for receiving completed applications from overseas candidates at IIMA is: December 15, 2010.
[1] The DA category refers to the Differently-Abled category. This category is also known as the PWD category.
[2] CAT refers to CAT-2011, GMAT refers to a GMAT administered within the last 24 months as on 15 December 2011
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Annamalai University DDE LE Results 2023 Distance Education Exam |

Saturday, 11 March 2023 10:55

Annamalai University DDE Result May 2023 | Annamalai University DDE/LE II and III Results 2023 | Annamalai University Distance Education Exam Result 2023 Annamalai University Published Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) Examination Result May 2023

  • M.A. Economics (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.A. Business Economics (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.A. Political Science (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.A. Public Administration (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.A. International Relations (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.A. Police Administration (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.A. Economics Lateral Entry-II Year
  • M.A. Human Rights
  • M.A. Social Welfare Administration
  • M.Com. (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.Com. Co-op. Management (E.M. & T.M.)
  • M.Com. Education Management (E.M.)
  • M.Phil. Applied Geology
  • M.Phil. Zoology
  • M.Phil. Linguistics
  • M.Phil. English
  • M.Phil. History
  • M.Phil. Commerce
  • M.Phil. Tamil
  • M.Phil. Psycology
  • M.Sc. Zoology (E.M.)
  • M.Sc. Zoology Lateral Entry-II Year
  • M.Sc. Bioinformatics
  • P.G.Diploma in English Language Teaching (E.M.)
  • P.G.Diploma in Waste Management (E.M.)
  • P.G.Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Diploma in Freshwater Fish Culture
  • Certificate Programme in Soil Ecology, Earthworms Cul. & Compos.
  • Read full here