ICET 2011 Counselling Allotment | ICET 2011 Counselling Result | ICET MBA/MCA Counselling Allotment 2011

Thursday, 1 September 2011 02:12

ICET 2011 Counselling Allotment | ICET 2011 Counselling Result | ICET MBA/MCA Counselling Allotment 2011

ICET 2011 MBA/MCA Counselling Allotment.

Click Here To ICET 2011 Counselling Allotment

Allotment Process:
Based on the Options exercised by the Candidates [as recorded in the Server on the last day of the Options] Allotment of Seats will be taken up. While allotting the seats, Merit (Rank), Category, Gender and Local Area will be considered. The allotment process reads the options exercised by a candidate in order of preference at each stage. As the number of options to be exercised is not limited a candidate can give as many Number of options as possible. Hence, candidates are advised to exercise as many options and sequence them carefully. The following is the Sequence of Allotment Process in steps:
1. Allotments under open competition for all candidates in Non-Minority institutions.
2. Allotments to minority candidates in Minority institutions.
3. Allotments under open competition in Both Non-Minority & Minority institutions for the leftover minority seats and consequential vacancies. (* Hence, candidates can opt for seats in minority colleges also).
4. Allotment to special reservation category seats under open competition.
5. Allotments under open competition for leftover special category seats and consequential vacancies.
In respect of allotments in SC/ST/BC categories, the sequence (a) to (d) will be followed in each of the steps 6 to 9 mentioned below:
a) Allotment to respective reservation category seats for concerned category candidates.
b) Allotment to respective special reservation category seats.
c) Allotment to respective category candidates for leftover special reservation category seats and consequential vacancies.
d) Conversion of leftover girl seats to boys in each of the categories.
6. Allotment to ST Category seats.
7. Allotment to SC Category seats.
8. Allotment to Open Competition for Leftover seats in ST and SC and consequential vacancies.
9. Allotments to BC category seats in the order BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, BC-E and inter conversion of leftover seats from one category to other in cyclic order
10. Allotments to minority candidates for the minority seats vacated by minority candidates during earlier stages (6-9) of allotments.
11.Final allotment to all candidates under open competition for all the leftover seats and consequential vacancies in rank order.

Note 1: In terms of G.O.Ms.No.42, Higher Education Dept, Dated: 18.05.2009, while making allotments to the seats in various courses/categories, the first 15% of seats (Unreserved) shall be filled up following combined merit list of all eligible candidates and thereafter the remaining 85% of the seats shall be filled up by local candidates only. Note 2: If a candidate who had earlier allotted a seat under open competition moves to a better option during category (SC/ST/BC) allotment, the seat vacated will be offered to the next meritorious candidate of the same reservation category as per G.O.Rt.No. 550, Higher Education Dept. In view of this, candidates can exercise options to a college/course where there is no allocation of a seat to a particular category in the seat matrix. Note 3: The allotment process takes care of all possible reservations of a candidate (Local/Non-Local/ST/SC/BC/PH/NCC/CAP/Sports and Gender) during various stages and their merit is protected at each step. Note 4: The allotment of special reservation category seats (NCC/Sports/CAP) will be taken up in priority order and rank within each priority. Stage 7: Payment of Fees Download the challan form for payment of fee. With downloaded allotment order you have to remit the fees in one of the branches of Andhra Bank or Indian Bank in the State and obtain a receipt. All the Candidates are exempted from payment of tuition fee whose parental annual income is up to one lakh and shall claim for reimbursement of fee and such provision is subject to the orders of the Government issued from time to time. For any valid reason if the candidate does not wish to join the allotted college, candidate is advised not to pay the fee.

Stage 8: Reporting at College: With downloaded allotment order, fee payment receipt and a set of Xerox copies of all certificates candidates shall report at the allotted Colleges within the dates mentioned by the authorities. If you fail to report on or before the date stipulated by the authorities the allotment made in favour of you will be treated as cancelled and you will have no claim further on the allotment. Even if a candidate pays the fee but is unwilling in the allotted seat, he shall not report at that college. Such cases will be treated as not reported and the allotment will be cancelled.

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