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IEI Fellowship Program Selection Procedure Application Forms Institute for Emerging Issues

Sunday, 11 September 2011 23:46

IEI Fellowship Program | IEI Fellowship Selection Procedure | Institute for Emerging Issues Fellowship Application Forms

IEI Fellowship Program in Public Policy and Public Engagement
The Institute for Emerging Issues (IEI) at North Carolina State University invites faculty applications for the IEI Fellowship Program in public policy and public engagement for 2010- 2011. The 17 institutions comprising the University of North Carolina System, the state’s community colleges, and the private universities and colleges of North Carolina represent a vital asset as our state prepares to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. They supply our communities with trained graduates and furnish our industries with cutting edge technologies. As the pace of change quickens, and the need for informed, responsive policy-making grows, faculty must play a more direct and effective role in informed decision-making. In order to give faculty the opportunities and resources necessary to become engaged scholars, IEI has established a program of faculty fellowships in public policy and public engagement.

Scope of Work
Fellows are expected to identify an area of public policy in North Carolina that corresponds with their area of expertise and is important to the future of the state. While fellowships are not limited to particular policy areas, IEI has an enduring interest in four areas of focus at the state and local levels: education, health, infrastructure and the environment, and the economy. For 2010-11, IEI has particular needs for faculty expertise in the following areas:
• Education: infusing creativity into the K-12 curriculum and assessing student learning
• Health: health and health care policy innovation
• Infrastructure and Environment: public-private partnerships for financing infrastructure
• Economy: state and local finance (spending and taxation)

Fellows may be asked to undertake a variety of activities, all closely connected to the work of IEI. Depending on need and opportunity, Fellows may engage in tailored policy research, write for expert and more general audiences, participate in state or local level policy convenings and, more generally, help with the development of IEI’s policy activities. Work plans will be established on an individual basis for each fellow.

The fellowship program is open to all faculty at four-year colleges/universities or community college faculty in North Carolina. While preference will be given to faculty from within the state, non-North Carolina faculty with an interest in North Carolina public policy issues and whose specialized expertise meets IEI’s specific needs above will also be considered.

Stipend and Tenure
The standard term of the fellowship is 12 months, beginning January 1, although exceptions to the length of term and start date may be agreed upon depending on faculty time constraints and IEI need. The standard 12-month stipend is $15,000 for faculty at four-year institutions and $12,000 for faculty at community colleges. Stipends are payable to the faculty member or his/her department/institution. IEI provides additional resources for travel and other expenses. While fellows will be expected to travel to participate in some of IEI’s activities, they will remain at their home institutions while holding the fellowship.

Candidates must submit a letter of application, which includes a description of the policy area in which they wish to work and relevant experience to date, their curriculum vitae, the names of three references and two writing samples. At least one of the writing samples should be short (no more than two pages, single spaced, no footnotes) and written on a public policy issue important to North Carolina. In the letter of application, candidates must indicate that their department head (or appropriate officer) is aware of and supports the application.

Applications should be sent to: Lane Smith, IEI Fellowship Program Coordinator, Institute for Emerging Issues, Box 7406, NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 or electronically to North Carolina State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, veteran status or disability.

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis beginning October 1.
Anyone wishing to learn more about IEI or the fellowship program should visit IEI’s website at or contact Lane Smith at or 919-515-9254
Institute for Emerging Issues
North Carolina State University

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