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TNPSC Departmental Test Time Table December 2011 | TNPSC Departmental Test December 2011 Schedule | Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Examination

Tuesday, 6 September 2011 08:46

TNPSC Departmental Test Time Table December 2011 | TNPSC Departmental Test December 2011 Schedule | Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Examination Departmental Test December 2011 Schedule

Examinations of the Forenoon and After noon Sessions will commence respectively

Thursday, the December 2011
9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
Test Code.
1. 002 Departmental Test for Officers of the Panchayat Development Department-Paper-II-Village Swaraj (without Books)
9.00 a.m. to 12.00 Noon
2. 001 Second-Class Language Test-Part A — Written Examination – Translation and Composition (without books)
3. 003 Departmental Test for Officers of the Co-operative Department – Co-operation – First Paper (without books)
4. 004 Deputy Inspectors Test-First Paper (Relating to Secondary and Special Schools) (without books)
5. 005 Departmental Test for Accounts Officers in the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board — First Paper (without books)
6. 006 Departmental Test for members of the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service in the National Employment Service (without books)
7. 007 Departmental Test for Evaluation and Applied Research Department (without books)
8. 008 Departmental Test in the Manual of the Firemenship for Officers of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service- First Paper (without books)
9. 009 Fisheries Department Test-II -Part A — Theory — (without books).
10. 011 Departmental Test for Supervisors of Industrial Co-operatives in the Industries Department - Co-operation–General — First Paper–Co-operative Law (without books).
2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
1. 016 Departmental Test for Officers of the Co-operative Department — Co-operation — Second Paper (Without Books)
2. 017 Deputy Inspector’s Test–Second Paper (Relating to Elementary Schools) (Without Books)
3. 018 Advanced Language Test for Officers of the Tamil Nadu Educational Subordinate Service– Tamil–First Paper–Prose and poetry (Without Books)
4. 019 Departmental Test for Accounts Officers in the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board–Second Paper (Without Books)
5. 020 Departmental Test for Officers of the National Employment Service (Without Books)
6 021 Departmental Test in the Manual of Firemanship for Officers of the Tamil Nadu Fire Service– Second Paper (without Books)
7. 022 Fisheries Department Test – II –Part A (Practical) (Without Books)
8. 023 Departmental Test for Supervisors of Industrial Co-operative in the Industries Department-Cooperation
General- Second Paper – Co-operative Principles and Practice (Without Books)

Friday, the December-2011
9-00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
1. 029 Departmental Test for Officers of the Co-operative Department – Auditing-First Paper (Without Books)
2. 030 The Tamil Nadu Fire Service Department Test (Without Books)
3. 031 Fisheries Department Test-II-Part B–(Theory) (Without Books)
4. 032 Departmental Test for Supervisors of Industrial Co-operatives in the Industries Department,
Co-operative Accounts and Audit including Book-keeping and Secretarial Practice
(Without Books)
5. 033 to The Translation Test–First Paper — Translation of English Passage bearing on Court Judgements
038 into Language (Without Books)
6. 039 Survey Department Test-Revenue Draughtsman Test-First Paper (Without Books).
2-30 p.m. to 5-30 p.m.
1. 044 Departmental Test for Officers of the Co-operative Department — Auditing — Second Paper
(Without Books)
2. 045 Advanced Language Test for Officers of the Tamil Nadu Educational Subordinate Service –
Tamil — Second Paper–Translation and Essay (Without Books).
3. 046 Fisheries Department Test II-Part B (Practical) (Without Books)
4. 047 Departmental Test for Supervisors of Industrial Co-operatives in the Industries Department-
Industrial Co-operation (Without Books)
5. 048 to The Translation Test–Second paper–Translation of News paper report in a language into English
053 (Without Books)
6. 054 Survey Department Test–Revenue Draughtsman Test–Second Paper (Without Books)

Sunday, the 26th December-2010

9-00 a.m. to 11-30 a.m.
1. 058 Special language Test for Officers of the Education Department-Higher Standard–First Paper–
Tamil Text and Textual Grammar (Without Books)
9-00 a.m. to 12-00 noon
2. 059 Departmental Test for Officers of the Co-operative Department–Banking (Without Books)
3. 060 Fisheries Department Test II–Part C–Theory (Without Books)
4. 061 Departmental Test for Supervisors of Industrial Co-operatives in the Industries Department–
Business Administration including Cost Accounting (Without Books)
5. 062 Survey Department Test–Head Surveyors and Sub-Assistant Tests-First Paper (Without Books)
6. 063 Local Fund Audit Department Test–Commercial Book-keeping (Without Books)

Sunday, the 26th December 2010 – contd.
2-30 p.m. to 4-30 p.m.
1. 067 Special Language Test for Officers of the Education Department–Higher Standard–Second
Paper–Tamil Translation and Composition (Without Books).
2-30 p.m. to 5-30 p.m.
2. 068 Departmental Test for Officers of the Co-operative Department- Co-operative Management and
Administration –First Paper (Without Books)
3. 069 Departmental Test for Forest Subordinate Service Officers–Forest Law –First Paper
(Without Books).
4. 070 The Criminal Judicial Test–Part I –The Indian Penal Code–(General Principles) (Without Books)
5. 071 Survey Department Test–Revenue Draughtsman Test–Third Paper (Without Books)
6. 072 Survey Department Test–Field Surveyor’s Test–First Paper (Without Books)
7. 073 Survey Department Test — Deputy Surveyor’s Test — First Paper (Without Books)
8. 074 Survey Department Test — Computation Test — First Paper (Without Books)
9. 075 Fisheries Department Test II – Part C(Practical) (Without Books)

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