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University of Pune Engineering Exam Time Table Oct/Nov 2011

Tuesday, 6 September 2011 03:06

University of Pune Engineering Exam Time Table Oct/Nov 2011 | University of Pune UG Exam Time Table Oct Nov 2011 |

University of Pune Published the Following Examination Time Table of Oct/Nov 2011
Faculty of EngineeringArchitecture
Faculty of ScienceFaculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of ArtsFaculty of LAW
Faculty of Mental Moral SciencesFaculty of Commerce
Faculty of EducationFaculty of Management Sciences
Faculty of Ayurved
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Science:
  1. B.Sc. Applied Biotechnology, October-2011
  2. B.Sc. Applied Wine Technology, October-2011
  3. F.Y. B.Sc. Comp. Sci. October-2011
  4. F.Y.B.Sc. October 2011
  5. F.Y.B.Sc.Wine Tech. October- 2011
  6. FY SY TY Biotech October-2011
  7. S.Y. & T.Y. B.Sc. Comp. Sci. October-2011
  8. S.Y. B.Sc. Sem.I & II October-2011
  9. S.Y. T.Y. B.Sc. Home Sci. October-2011
  10. S.Y.B.Sc.Wine Tech. October- 2011
  11. T.Y. B.Sc. Sem. III & IV October- 2011
Faculty of Commerce:
  1. F.Y.B.Com. (Including Vocational & Restructuring) Oct-2011
  2. S.Y.B.Com.(2005 & 2009 Pattern) & T.Y.B.Com.(2005 Pattern)(Including Vocational) Oct-2011
  3. Regarding First, Second and Third year B.Com Oct/Nov 2011 Practical and Term End Exam
Faculty of Arts:
  1. F.Y.B.A. (Including Vocational) Oct-2011
  2. S.Y.B.A. (Including Vocational) Oct-2011
  3. T.Y.B.A. (Including Vocational) Oct-2011
Faculty of LAW:
  1. Fourth Year and Fifth Year B.S.L. (1998 Course) of New Five Year Law Course Examination
  2. First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Year B.S.L. (Sem. I to X) (Pattern 2003)
  3. First, Second & Third Year LL.B. ( Semester – I To VI ) (Pattern – 2003) Examination, October, 2011

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